Hello again world.

Speaking to you from my new office with the most spectacular view of the Bedford Basin. My life has morphed once more. I am back working on a project for At the Helm. It is exhilarating and frustrating at the same time. It requires that I spend hours and hours going through old blogs and files to find the exact wording for the modules I am creating. The good news is that there are treasures buried in those old pieces of work.

Today, for example, I was looking through comments on past posts and found two from my Dad. He was a wise man who always championed me and gave me a kick in the butt when I needed it. I miss him a lot. The other good news is that I have someone in my life who fills that role. Norm is my new life partner and he makes me laugh and reminds me to complete what I start and to workout and to feel good about how lucky I am.

Life is different when you meet someone after you have both retired. You have so much time to get to know each other. We were spending lots of time together as a dating couple so after a year we decided to move in together in a beautiful apartment with a view. The transition has been easier than one might think. He and I are so similar in our values and in our habits. We travel well together and we both enjoy travelling. Live theatre and music are important to both of us. We both golf and work out or go for a walk every day. A focus on Physical Fitness is an important part of our roommate agreement. We have a running tournament of King’s Cribbage. One might say that we enjoy each other’s company. Life is good.

It is also good to be back working on a project. The creative juices need an outlet. My friends paint or quilt and are busy creating gifts for grandkids, family and friends. I have written stories for my grandkids but they lack the physical aspect, the evidence of time spent to create them. They are not likely to frame a piece of writing or throw it on their bed to keep them warm. That’s okay. I will continue to write and at some point, when their lives slow down, my family may read and be proud of the “Far Away Grancy.”

I have no idea who will receive this blog. If you are out there and you are reading this please let me know.