I have been in Alberta for the last 6 weeks catching up with family and friends, clearing the past from my condo and preparing to head back to Nova Scotia for a while. We’ll be back again soon. This routine of having two places to be can be taxing but as I move into and accept being 60-10, I appreciate the fact that I can move about the country and travel. I have lost a lot of friends and relatives over the past few years. I’m guessing that through this difficult stretch for human kind that you may have as well. AND I must admit that I feel like Nate Bargatze when he says … “I am from the 1900s and I am living in the future”.

My grandson visited the other day. I gave him the original handwritten version of a book I wrote for his high school graduation. He was having trouble deciding who to be. I imagined a world for him set in 2025. I love writing speculative fiction. You can let your imagination move the world forward. In his story he had lots of gadgets and screens and access to hockey arena’s or other venues and commercial air travel just by having the the barcode in his phone or on his iwrist. No security or ticket takers. You just walk in and sit in your assigned spot. If its not your spot and alarm warns you to go to your spot.

Most of what I described in the book has moved into our future. It is weird to think that we have actually moved beyond many people’s imaginations into a world they no longer recognize. I feel that way sometimes, but then I remember that before there were Blogs I couldn’t imagine life with blogs and yet here we are. Over the years I have generated more than 300 blogs and I have a few followers which is nice. Over the next little while, as I get back into creating programs in yet another package of Modules to help leaders speak and listen differently, I notice the speed of change in technology, in skills and knowledge and attitudes. I am comforted by the sameness I find in human nature.

Humans can be nothing but human. They slide on a spectrum from heroic to completely dysfunctional and different triggers impact their sense of worth these days but human behaviour remains predictable. The signs for us to understand where someone is coming from remain telling and if we speak and listen with courage and curiousity we can still build rapport and relationship … even in a disconnected world.